VuViVo Ministries
V3 is participants, agents, insighters, provocateurs, and champions of shalom, universal delight, and flourishing. We want to fan the flames of shalom. We want to reconstruct not deconstruct, we want reorder not disorder. Kingdom is realized only through solidarity and participation.
The mark symbolizes this moment, this movement, this mystery of infilling and self-emptying. It is the inhale and exhale of full life, beauty, good, brokenness and future. This mark has both openness and definition. There is an already and not yet quality which is both invitation and a prescription. Symmetry and asymmetry, diversity and equality.
If you notice the entry points into the center of the mark is equidistance.This inhale of the logo is the equal and open invitation to look up with adoration, look in with transformation and look out with the eyes of Christ.
The levers are unique and diverse but provide shape and form when in union. Each has its own note and in proper alignment produces a harmonious chord. The levers are cultural spheres and they represent the ways in which we can influence, participate and stand in solidarity with one another and the planet.
Mission is not vision. And vision is not mission. But mission is bound to action, bound to courage, bound to flesh.

Brand Icon

Outreach Cards

Business Cards / Brand Stationary